Saturday, July 12, 2008


Photographs of the progress of the vines in July are a little late. It has been too hot to sit in front of the computer but we are overcast today so I thought it was time to get up to date.

The vignerones have been busy dusting the vines against mildew and common pests, and they (the vines) are all looking at their
best at the moment. I actually made some stuffed vine leaves
the other week to remind me of our holidays in Paxos! Very good
they were too and enjoyed by all the family.

The grapes are getting plumper by the day and those in the
know reckon we could be in for a good vintage this year.
I have bought some eating grapes which I have planted up
the wall but there wont be any fruit from them until next year.

July is also my birthday and these flowers came from Tina. Christopher and family took me to the local restaurant where we had a delicious lunch, with too much wine as usual.

That's it for this post, getting too hot in here again!