Saturday, November 29, 2008


I promise this will be my last record of my experiences at the hands of a French dentist but I returned on Thursday for my TEETH. Well I thought I was getting a simple plate with three teeth on it. Oh No. A top plate with the five teeth which were missing and a bottom plate with the three he had pulled out and another five, at the back which had been missing for years. It is like having a Bl**dy great lump of plasticene in my mouth. Dave keeps saying keep them in and persevere but I throw up every morning I try to put them in., Life at the moment is sheer hell. My gums are sore with trying to keep these things in my mouth and if I want to eat I just have to take them out otherwise I have more food in my teeth at the end of the night than goes down my throat. I know this sounds awful BUT IT IS!!!!!

We are going out tomorrow to the new Bize restaurant La Grange with Christopher and Penny and India and heaven knows what I am going to eat, probably soup. I suppose the good thing is I will no doubt lose weight.

I have paid 3000 Euros for this nightmare what a waste of money and I know now why you see little old ladies walking around with not teeth in, they have been to the same dentist as me.

Enough of that then. The weather is now extremely cold and we have had our first frosts which have finished off several plants and I am praying for my bougainvillea which looks a little worse for wear. Still no sign of the landscaper and I am beginning to think my front garden is going to look like a concrete jungle forever. Tina and Tony are snow boarding on the Swiss border and I am sure having a wonderful time.

Soon be Christmas. we will probably have chicken this year as the beef here is rubbish. More news as and when