Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This post is just to prove that the gardening is improving and it is not a totally lost cause. Bloody difficult though! I have always wanted to grow Morning Glory (Ipomea) I tried it in the UK but failed however it grow like a weed here and I love it. I have it climbing up every possible thing The Greek pot was given to me by our good friends Terry and Kate, who now live on the Island of Paxos in Greece. Their weather has been much better than here in the South of France. We had torrential rain yesterday and today and the ground is totally saturated... We have a mainly clay soil and the only time to pull weeds is when the soil is wet. The only problem is that your shoes or boots get totally clogged up with clay and you appear at least 2 ft taller with great heavy feet.
Dave is so much better after having the pacemaker fitted. He actually sleeps at night for the first time in over ten years and doesn't moan like Victor Meldrew which he used to do all day. So life is much better than it was.
Incidentally the flower in the last photo is called Belle de Nuit I first saw it in Greece and actually had some seeds which I stole from a Greek garden.. The seeds have come up well here and they must be at least five or more years old. It smells wonderful at night, but unfortunately we have so much wind here that it is difficult to smell any plant. Still we persevere and the roses are doing well. The rose in the photo is called Alexander, my maiden name and, of course, the strongest rose in the garden!
Thats all for today then, more later in the week when hopefully the weather is going to change for the better.

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