Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So having played about with photographs and vineyards, I went for my six monthly check with the Opthalmic Surgeon today. For those ardent followers who know nothing of my problems suffice to say that I have the most complicated eyes in the universe. Since having my operation at Moorfields just before coming to France my eyesight has gone downhill. The surgeons in London though by removing the cataract in my "good eye" they would improve my sight and allow me to drive again. However scar tissue formed over the lens implant and my sight is as bad if not worse than it was with the cataract. It seems that nothing can be done to improve that and with the glaucoma complication he found today that the pressure in my left eye was very high and he is not prepared to try anything until that is settled again. So its another 6 months before my next appointment and I guess that any dream I had of driving again has really gone out the window. I cant get any glasses either so I will just have to soldier on. What can I say apart from S**T. Still there is one good thing about a blog you can let it all out.

Loving my gardening as I do and hard as it is over here one good thing about bad eyesight is the fact that the weeds have to be quite big before I see them!!! Well you have to laugh. Anyway more cheerful news anon.

1 comment:

Mrs Smith said...

You vine slideshow is fab! a great idea. I'm in a walking group too mostly troisieme age and I'm around 20 years younger than most of them and they leave me in their dust!

Sorry to learn about your eyes problems..seriously limiting I'm sure. Hoep they come up with a solution for you.

gosh your not having much luck healthwise at the mo. Hope things turn around soon.

((((Hugs))))Anna from TF