Monday, December 7, 2009


Our first Carol Concert was a great success in a fabulous setting.  All the towns and villages have their Christmas lightds and Marseillan was no exception.  This photograph shows the front of the church and the tower with just a glimpse of the trees which are beautifully lit all over France.

The performance ran for just over an hour and the church was full to capacity with all nationalities.  We were invited for wine and cake afterwards and most of the audience came too. It was a very rewarding experience although rehearsing for an hour before hand then the performance plus an hours drive each way made for quite a tiring day.

Since my last posting I have acquired some glasses, a pair for reading and a pair for driving!  Quelle difference!  The specialist has given me permission to drive during the day. He says to leave night driving alone which is fine by me.  I took the plunge on Friday and did the shopping, on my own for the first time in almost 8 years.  Quite an adventure considering we have a right hand drive car and I havent driven on the right since about 1979!  Nobody died and the car is in one piece.  It was really quite emotional.

Off to yet another rehearsal for next Sunday's performance at the church in Capestang, a village much closer to home.  This will be the last concert before Christmas and we are all going out for a meal afterwards. There will be about 70 of us so it should be a good evening. So more pics maybe after this event and maybe a video (if its good enough!) 

The December weather is a bit grey with some rain but temperatures are staying around the 50's (10C) so no complaints there.

More news as and when ...............C'est la vie

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