Monday, December 27, 2010


Well it was a very white Christmas for some but we had a mixture of rain, frost, sun and wind. Some days have been quite warm others have been really cold.

The choir finished off their official performances in the seaside town of Marseillan where, like last year, we had a most appreciative audience. Several of us went to a local cafe for dinner afterwards which was very pleasant. The next day was our choir party, more food and wine (I need stronger elastic, everywhere now). David came along to the party and actually enjoyed it! The following morning we sang carols at the local supermarket.

Our lunch party returned to the Three Little Pigs restaurant in Ginestas last Thursday and had another memorable lunch (more wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Then came Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, food, wine, food wine, food wine. Chris, Penny and India were away in England so there was only Dave and I eating and drinking! Talk about couch potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway that is the news up to date,, just waiting now for New Years Eve - yes you have guessed it - Wine Food Wine Food literally ad nauseum!!!!!!!!!! C'est la vie.

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