Sunday, March 27, 2011


The river is almost back to normal although you can see all the rocks which have been washed down with the flood. The centre part of the river bed used to be all sand. A large tree has been uprooted and rests on the walkway which is not yet clear of water.

Since the downpours the weather has improved considerably and we now have much warmer conditions and good sunshine most days. The garden looks more like a spring garden now with the tulips giving a good display. The peach tree and the apricot tree have flowered and the cherry is about to. So things are looking up at last although I have to say that we have had a much better winter than last year.

Lunch club is still going strong although, sadly, we have had to cancel our appearance at this weeks meeting as one of our neighbours died last week and we are attending the funeral on Wednesday.

The exciting news, for me anyway, is that I have booked another safari in Kenya for October. David was hoping to come with me but has decided that because of his health it would be too risky, so the lone intrepid adventurer is off again! Three days in the Samburu, four days in the Masai Mara with my "boys" from last year and a week in Mombasa at our old stomping ground, the Mombasa Serena Hotel. Arrangements are all confirmed and I have Tina to thank because she and Tony will be coming down to do the hen, dog and "baby" sitting.

The Lamont family are due to join us on the 12th April. David's sister, two nephews and their children are coming to Bize for a week. On the 9th and 10th the choir have concerts in local villages and we are being joined by a choir from the UK so that should be fun.

In the meantime I have vowed to cut down on the vino as I had to buy a size bigger trousers the other day ! ah well c'est la vie.

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