Monday, October 20, 2008


Not something I would recommend to anyone. I like to think I am reasonably brave at the dentists but I can honestly say that last Thursday was the worst experience of dentistry I have ever had.

It did'nt start well because I was called in almost an hour after my appointment time so I had had almost 60mins of worrying about it for a start. So he lays me down totally flat and gives me enough pain relief to knock out an elephant. They dont use needles here which is nice, its a strange pressure machine which plays a stupid tune. Of course some of the liquid yuck dribbles into your mouth and guess what - nothing to swill your mouth out with - no glass, no basin NOWT. Yes he has the old suction machine which he used once. Then he drills the teeth to prepare for the crowns and when that is all over - still no rinse offered or indeed possible - more anaesthetic in preparation for the threee extractions. More dribbles of yuck into the mouth and no rinse, then crunch, crunch, crunch out come the three teeth, blood now joins the yuck liquid in the mouth and he decides it is time he has a chat with his colleague. During this time (about 10-15 mins) I am lying flat on my back with a pressure pad being held firmly by my few remaining teeth in order to stem the bleeding. Alors, then he tells me I can go home and he will see me in a month. So here I am, the toothless wonder of Bize, unable to go anywhere -well would you with a big hole in your gob?

So there you are. I just thought I would share some of my trauma with you good reader, because why should I suffer on my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More news as it happens,

1 comment:

Kate said...

please please please post a toothless piccie :-)