Thursday, November 13, 2008


Well this is one post which I did not think I would be making. I went on my second visit to the dentist today. I had been told that it would take a month for my gums (sounds awful and old doesnt it) to relax before I could have my new teeth. Well guess what NO NEW TEETH. I get there and am invited into the torture chamber, where he proceeds to drill out the teeth which I presumed were prepared for crowns. No such luck. He drills and drills until I say to him "have you reached Australia yet" Open your mouth, he replies and keeps on drilling. Then he gets a waxy plate ready for an impression of where he has just drilled. Then he harshly pulls out the two pins he put in last month and drills even more. Now I am going to get my crowns, I think. B****cks. Another impression of my upper jaw, he pushes and shoves the plate into position and pulls my head back with his thumb on the plate until I think my head is going through his stomach. Then he pulls my lips around and manipulates my cheeks, all the time shouting RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!You are having a laugh, how the hell can I relax with your two hands and a metal plate full of goo in my mouth. That over he does the same with the bottom. Put your tongue out, further, further (it wont go any bloody further I say) if it could I would be in for an oscar in a new Deep Throat movie. That over, which took about an hour again, he turns his back on me and I am ushered into the office. Oh by the way this time I am taken into another room to wash my mouth out. (Has he been reading my blog!!!!!?????_

We go into the office and they say next appointment 27th November, I ask why I havent got my new teeth as promised, Oh we need to take another impression. I kick up, "WHY"?? Receptionist calls dentist and obviously informs him I am not the happiest person in France today. He calls me back in. We will do it now. Well it just got worse, Another impression of the bottom. Another of the top with all the rough manipulation of the cheeks etc and shouts of RELAX I cannot fight with you. !! Then not satisfied with that, he gets a container with a long spout like the sort of thing you pipe round the tiles in the bathroom and fills my mouth with more waxy shit (sorry about the language but this has been hell). Then its back to the office for the appointment to be confirmed for the 27th.

We had a really lovely meal to go to with all our village friends on the 22nd. It is an annual thing and I had really looked forward to it but unless it is a dracula lookalike ball I will not be going. French dentists.............................MERDE and not a lot of money coming back on the french health system. There must be some perks living here but dentistry is not one of them. The landscapers havent turned up for the garden either because it is too wet at the moment and I have had a load of plants delivered which I can do nothing with .

Oh well c'est la vie, I'm off for another drink

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