Sunday, June 14, 2009


This is just one of the roses in our garden. I have called the rose bed "The Family Bed" because the roses in it all have names similar or the same as the family names. L'Aimant is the closest to our name, Westerland is the same as Penny's maiden name and Alexander is my maiden name.

The good news since the last post is regarding Bra sizes! Silly me, senior moment, ordered the wrong size, no wonder it didnt fit.

Christopher has been speeding up my computer but unfortunately things seem to be going wrong since he changed the settings, so this post is just to see how things go blog wise. There is not a lot of news at the moment, we are still laying water pipes in the garden and this has to be done at 6am as it is too hot to do anything after about 8am! Ah well, c'est la vie!

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