Sunday, July 5, 2009


India on the rocks!
It was back to the Montagne Noir for our last walk and picnic of the season. It was quite chilly up in the mountains and a good job too because we had to walk 10 k's which is quite an achievement at any age! India came with us and we think she enjoyed it although you never know with 10 year olds. We had to walk a bit slower because of her little legs and the strain began to tell on Dave towards the end but we got back in one piece and joined the gang for the magic green champagne, made from champers, lemon juice, suger, ice and a large bottle of Curacao (sorry peeps not sure about that spelling) It is a fantastic drink, India had a taste and thought it wonderful. To accompany the champers they serve little nibbles and then we all go back to our tables and open up the chilled wines which we have in our cool boxes. The only things we have to supply on this occasion is bread, wine, knives, forks, spoons, tables and chairs, everything else if supplied by the club and the whole day only costs us 15E a head and no charge for the kids.
The first course consists of a tasty green salad, followed by enormous king prawns, as many as you can eat. They then serve pork ribs and sausages. Puddings are also on tap but I never bother, I would rather have another prawn!! Then of course comes what the French call Digestives, liquors to you and me. The best one is a home made from pure lemon juice and 100% alcohol. Mmmmmmmmmm.
Well we thought the "old folks club" had had enough walking for a season, particularly as the weather is hotting up by the day, but no - 10K was not enough for them! They tried to involve us in a 7K walk the following Tuesday, culminating in Lunch in the lovely medieval village of Minerve. We said a big NO to the walk but we joined them for lunch, good job too because the temperatures on Tuesday reached 36.
So you see the reason this post is a bit late is all down to the weather. Who in their right mind wants to sit at a computer in this sort of heat. I would rather be outside tending my grapes, or inside in front of the fan, drinking wine!
I had my six monthly visit to the Opthalmologist on Friday and he has deceided to use laser surgery on my right eye to try and improve the sight which has been very cloudy ever since my cataract operation at Moorfields. So we will see (or not) what happens and maybe just maybe I will be able to drive again. Its in the lap of the gods as they say but as you know, avid readers, c'est la vie.

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