Tuesday, February 16, 2010


You may wonder why the Blog has been so quiet of late.  Well the reason is the weather!  It has been so cold that D and I have been in bed until around 10.0am too scared to put our noses out !!  Even the locals are saying how cold it has been this winter.  My water buts are frozen solid, not that I want any water at the moment because when it is not snowing it is raining.  The wind blows of the Montagne Noir and necessitates the use of a wooly hat (not a pretty sight).  My lemon tree is braving the cold and still supplying lots of lovely lemons to go with the G & T's.

We recently visited a Truffle fair which was very interesting.,  Lots of food, wine and locals selling their truffles at crazy prices.  Needless to say I still have not sampled a truffle. The picture shows just one of the

Many stalls selling garlic, breads, meats etc.  It was a cold day, of course, so at the entrance to the fair was the most enormous cooking pot which was regularly filled with red wine and spices, the smell alone was


Last Saturday was the Mayors party for the "ancients" of the village, that is a nice name for us doddery old folk!   It was much the same as last year although some of us were of the impression that the wine was not as plentiful this year. Very enjoyable though and free!

The choir is working hard on the next challenge, an African piece called Zimbe which has words in Swahili and Zulu.  As you can imagine I am loving every minute of it.  We are going to wear authentic African clothes the material for which has been sent from South Africa.  The colours are wonderful. 
Some time ago I read two novels written by two sisters who had lived in Kenya. The books are well worth a read and very exciting the first is called Blood Sisters and the second A Durable Fire.  I was thrilled to discover that one of the sisters Barbara Keating had been a member of the choir and even more delighted when she turned up last week.  After a chat she said she would be back this week and so I took my books along and they are now signed!  The third in the trilogy is due out in late September but I dont think I will have it in time for my hols. Ah well c'est la vie.

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