Monday, March 8, 2010

THE SOUTH OF FRANCE IN MARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These were taken between 7am and 9am this morning 8th March it is now 4.30pm and it is still snowing! All the plants are flattened, the palmy type of plant you can see in the darkest picture is now totally flat to the ground.  They tell us that this part of France has not seen snow like this for 10 years.  Our Sky box blew up when the power went off, and so now we have no television !  They say Merde in France, we say Shit in England.  The last picture is from our back terrace, overlooking the village

1 comment:

Kitty said...


Kinda pains, doesn't it?

But... good GRIEF, look at your SNOW! We had stupid heavy snow here in Central Brittany, yes, last month. Worst for 40 years or more according to the elderly locals. 10 days many went without budging from their homes. Quite serious for some. Lucky for myself and my children that we live in town and could slip and slide to the local shops for food and provisions, and we had an oil-filled heater for warmth.

Your poor plants. Hopefully it will melt quickly and everything will spring back up.

Meantime I suggest vin chaud; you deserve it!

Warm hugs and quiches from Kitty